Neil Oxtoby

I co-lead the POND group with Alex Young and Danny Alexander in the UCL Hawkes Institute (formerly the UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing). We build computational models (e.g., Event Based Models, SuStaIn, et al.) to understand the progression of degenerative neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

My ORCiD is 0000-0003-0203-3909.

For more agile R&D, and general medical data science needs, I’m available to consult via Toybox Science Ltd (UK). Email me.

My scientific output can be found in the usual places:


  • Disease Progression Modelling Initiative (tutorials, etc.).
  • 2020–present: Data Science Lead, DEMON Network.
  • Previous research:
    • 2009–2012: Advanced object tracking algorithms, complex (dusty) plasma physics, and quantum filtering at the University of Liverpool.
    • 2007–2009: Quantum information at the University of Hertfordshire